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Music & Podcasts

Here you will find a small collection of inspiring playlists, podcast and songs that accompany me on my travels again and again or have strongly influenced me in different phases of life. And new ones are added all the time.

Vanlife Sounds

VanLife Sounds #lillyontour

My very personal playlist

Music has always been an important part of my life. With many songs from my youth I still remember what I thought, felt or saw. Especially when I associate something very special with them or they have touched me deeply through melody or lyrics. With a few people in my life, I am still so deeply rooted on a musical level that we still send each other new songs or artists as inspiration to this day. And thanks to Spotify, I've finally been able to bundle them all in one place, too. Although the good old days with cassette and CD also had their charm.

The idea for my VanLife Sounds playlist #LillyonTour on Spotify came about at the beginning of 2022. We were just preparing for our big Vanlife Tour 22. I wanted a long playlist with a mix of my own heartfelt songs and new singer songwriter songs. Because good road trip songs on long drives are just so infinitely important. A dreamy look out the window, the clouds pass you by, the wind caresses your hair and the world couldn't be more perfect at that moment - only good music can do that!

And so the playlist filled up from week to week. At the start of our tour, over 130 songs have come together. And the nice thing is that it is still filling up today. Because music never stops being beautiful.

I'm happy if the music from this playlist moves something in you, too. Feel free to listen to it, follow it and if you like, leave a comment.

Podcast-Empfehlung Vanlife in Europa Über uns | Reiseblog

Podcast recommendations

"From Van" Karin Scherpe


When I started to look into the vanlife community a bit more, the Vanlovegirls came into my cosmos relatively quickly. Karin Scherpe, the founder of this community, has really impressed me deeply. I follow her and the community on all channels (Instagram, Youtube and Spotify) and am always pleasantly surprised by the sensual sensitivity and unsparing openness with which she talks about her life as a full-time vanlifer.

Podcast - "From Van"


An absolute recommendation from me for every woman who loves freedom and vanlife and is looking for a protected space for knowledge, exchange and networking.

Youtube channel Karin Scherpe

Fast & Curious

The podcast of the two successful entrepreneurs Lea-Sophie Cramer (founder of Amorelie) and Verena Pausder have not only enriched my working life many times over. The two have an incredibly inspiring way to discuss and analyze topics and give deep insights into their own personal developments and experiences, which are flanked with many sympathetic side trips into private life.

In my opinion, this is one of the best business podcasts currently available in the German-speaking world, and not just for women.


That's just the way I am


I have listened to the two of them for hours and always find it extremely exciting how much you can learn about yourself in this podcast. Psychologist and best-selling author Stefanie Stahl (author of the book "Das Kind in dir muss Heimat finden" - also an absolute recommendation from me!) together with the likeable host and psychologist Lukas Klaschinski, who also studied psychology, shed light on questions about relationships and self-worth from the real world of listeners. 


Expert knowledge with real help to free yourself from old patterns - I personally love that very much!

To the podcast - That's just the way I am (on Spotify)

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