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Van safety

I admit, I'm slightly in need of security. Especially when we are traveling and also especially since we are traveling as a family with child. We have read a lot about what security measures there are against burglary and theft for motorhomes and campervans and also talked to various experts and workshops. From alarm systems to GPS trackers to various locking mechanisms for doors - which systems we have chosen, we present to you here in detail.

Sliding door - locking burglar protection from the inside

Another fairly easy to install and safe thing is to lock the sliding door from the inside. In forums you can often read that people like to break into vans via the sliding door. Hereby one prevents at least the further opening of the door. For this purpose, a 6mm thick, welded chain, which is provided with a fire department carbine at the ends (230 kg tensile force), is simply hooked into the belt fastening and connected with a stainless steel plate, which is fastened under the rubber block of the sliding door. Also this measure functions without additional drilling and is with approx. 35 EUR thereby still extremely favorable. You can buy this device almost anywhere, we have found e.g. at

Rear door - locking burglar protection from the inside

One of the first installations in our van Lilly was the rear door locking system. Here we opted for an angle system made of sheet steel. It is quick and easy to install, as no new holes have to be drilled. This is because the two angles are fastened directly behind the upper door locking screws and then only connected to each other with a hinged spint. A very effective measure and at the same time extremely cheap at approx. 45 EUR.

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